COVID19: Rules for conducting safe ballot

1 min read

The Health Ministry issued a series of measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 during Sunday’s Presidential election.

It is recommended that rooms are adequately ventilated, while staff and representatives of the candidates must wear a protective mask throughout their stay at the polling station.

Face masks are recommended for all voters inside the polling stations.

It is also noted that voting booths will not have a curtain, and it will be the responsibility of the polling station staff to disinfect them regularly and all surfaces that people come in contact with, including pens.

Voters must disinfect their hands upon entering and exiting polling stations, said the Health Ministry.

It is recommended that all employees of the election centres and the candidates’ representatives carry out a rapid antigen test (self-test) for COVID-19 the day before the vote.

“People in confinement after testing positive for COVID-19, registered to vote on the day of the elections, are granted permission to go exclusively to the electoral centre where they are registered to exercise their right to vote.

“They can go to the polling station either on foot or by private car without any other stops.

“The use of public transport is prohibited, and a protective mask must be worn.”

The ministry said personnel working during the election must be trained in personal protection precautions and the rules.

It said staff showing symptoms of COVID-19 should refrain from work and contact their GP immediately by phone.

If symptoms occur during work, the person should leave immediately but may exercise their right to vote before leaving.

“During the election process, it should be ensured that access to polling centres is conducted without crowds gathering and that polling booths and equipment necessary for the elections are disinfected at regular intervals.

“At the end of the election process, the rooms used as election centres should be naturally ventilated for at least half an hour and disinfected.”