COVID19: Cyprus vaccination portal opens for 61 plus

1 min read

Cyprus COVID-19 vaccination rollout has reached those over 61 as the online portal opens on Wednesday, offering 19,378 appointment slots, the Health Ministry announced.

The portal will be open from 8 am Wednesday to 7 pm on Thursday. Appointments are available for vaccination centres in all districts.

Health authorities are pushing on with the vaccination program to reach people over 45 by early May.

Announcing the portal’s opening for over 61s, the Health Ministry said that scheduled deliveries of the three EU-approved vaccines in the coming days would suffice to cover vulnerable groups in April while climbing down the age ladder for the general population.

Boosted by 60,000 COVID vaccine doses arriving, Cyprus’ vaccination rollout could reach people aged 57 by the end of the week, said Health Minister Constantinos Ioannou earlier on Monday.

He said that scheduled deliveries for this week would enable those aged 57 and 58 to book vaccine appointments from Friday or Saturday.

The ministry reminded that along with people belonging to the age groups that have priority at each opening, those who are older are entitled to access the portal and schedule appointments.

As of 5 April, 165,116 people – 18.34% of the population — have been vaccinated, of which 47,501 have received both jabs.

Besides, 7,577 people belonging to vulnerable groups have received their first dose, while 548 vaccinations were administrated to bedridden people in their homes.

The elderly are well protected, as 81.65% of people aged 80 and above and 76.34% of those aged 70-79 have been vaccinated with at least the first dose.