Glass doors, low ceilings

It seems that women’s rights are not taken seriously in Cyprus, worst of all by women themselves. The argument about narrowing and eventually closing gender gaps in the workplace, business, public service,


Cypriot women bullied out of work

Cypriot women are being mobbed out of their jobs after giving birth, during pregnancy, or after turning down sexual advances, as legislation does not protect them, said Law Commissioner Louiza Christodoulidou Zannetou.

Contribution of women peacebuilders overlooked

UN head of mission, Colin Stewart, believes the important contribution of women to Cyprus’ reunification in the past has often gone unappreciated. “We tend to emphasise that women’s meaningful participation needs to

Domestic violence worsening

Last year the Association for the Prevention and Handling of Violence in the Family (SPAVO) managed 3,122 domestic/partner violence incidents compared to 2,854 in 2021, 2,147 in 2020 and 1,384 in 2019.


Emergency — break glass

The glass ceiling of gender disparity in Cyprus has started to crack, but it is still a long way from breaking. On March 8, instead of celebrating the occasion marking International Women’s

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