Monthly first-time EU asylum applicants dip 28% 

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In April, 54,145 first-time asylum applicants applied for international protection in the 27-member bloc, up 66% compared to a year ago (32,570) but down 28% from March (74,950).

The decrease from March is attributed to the decrease in Ukrainian first-time applicants (from 12,885 to 1,510 in April; -88%), whose numbers had spiked when Russia invaded Ukraine in February.

In April, there were also 5,555 subsequent applicants (people who reapplied for asylum after a decision had been taken on a previous application).

This was up 2% from April 2021 and down 16% compared with March 2022.


Afghans were the largest group seeking asylum (7,255 first-time applicants).

They were followed by Syrians (6,485), ahead of Venezuelans (3,655), Colombians (2 705) and Turks (2,600).

With 12,465 first-time applicants registered in April, Germany accounted for 23% of all first-time applicants in the EU.

Germany was followed by France (9,540, 18%), ahead of Spain (7,695, 14%), Italy (4,700, 9%), Austria (4,690, 9%) and the Netherlands (2,230, 4%).

These six Member States accounted for over three quarters (76%) of all first-time applicants in the EU.

Unaccompanied minors

Among the EU states for which data are available, 2,260 unaccompanied minors applied for asylum for the first time, up by 73% from April 2021 (1,310) and down 15% compared with March (2,650).

Most unaccompanied minors who lodged asylum applications in April came from Afghanistan (1,130), Syria (375) and Pakistan (115).

Austria (610), Germany (370) and Bulgaria (340) were the three countries that received the highest numbers of asylum applications from unaccompanied minors in April.

Due to temporary derogations, data on applicants are unavailable for Denmark, Cyprus and Sweden, and unaccompanied minor asylum applicants for France, Cyprus and Poland.