
COVID-19: Cyprus lockdown is causing anxiety

1 min read

The spread of coronavirus and the lengthy lockdown introduced to stem the outbreak is bringing Cypriots down with the majority feeling anxious or concerned, according to a new poll.

According to an online survey carried out by Politis newspaper, Cypriots, who prior to pandemic were feeling optimistic about the future, now find themselves overwhelmed with negative feelings.

The poll’s findings suggest the lockdown is having a negative effect on people’s mental health which could have repercussions for the future.

Unprecedented social distancing rules, restrictions on free movement and self-isolating at home have increased feelings of concern, nervousness and anxiety among people while mental health management of the pandemic remains low on the government’s agenda.

According to the online survey, carried out by RetailZoom for Politis, measures taken by the government have increased the feeling of concern as 50% say they are worried, while another 30% felt confused.

At the same time, 74% of people polled said that they were concerned over the course of the pandemic itself while 37% stated that they are suffering from anxiety.

Some 34% of participants said that the felt anxiety and another 28% said that they felt sad.

Moreover, some 14% said they felt fear, another 16% said they felt rage and 19% said they felt resentment at the whole situation created by the lockdown.