COVID19: More Cypriots looking to venture outside

1 min read

Many more Cypriots are looking to venture outside under strict stay at home COVID-19 rules with over 460,000 requests over the weekend to leave self-isolation for an essential trip.

There were more than 460,000 requests by citizens in Cyprus during the weekend for trips outside the home.

Under the lockdown, only one essential journey per day is allowed such as for exercise or doing the shopping. Taking the dog for a short walk does not need approval via text message.

According to data from the Deputy Ministry for Research, Innovation and Digital Policy, on Saturday out of 265,374 valid requests sent via SMS 257,976 were approved.

On Sunday, April 26, 214,875 valid requests were sent and 209,264 were approved.

All essential businesses are closed on Sunday, bedsides kiosks, while all public spaces such as parks, beaches and marinas are out of bounds.

On Saturday, 131,762 requests were shopping for basic goods or going to the pharmacy.

On Sunday, most requests were for physical exercise (67,650) followed by other reasons (51,135).

In comparison, on Saturday, April 18, 298,185 valid requests were sent, 287,638 of which were approved.

On Easter Sunday, April 19, requests dropped to 173,049 of which 168,018 were granted.