
Cypriots among most active Europeans on social media

1 min read

Cyprus is the most active in the EU in making telephone or video calls via the internet (72%) while Cypriots are also in the top five for participating in social networks like Facebook and Twitter (72%).

In 2019, 87% of people aged 16-74 in the European Union reported they had used the internet during the previous three months.

This share ranged from 98% in Sweden to 68% in Bulgaria, while Cyprus was just below the EU average at 86% from 84% in 2018.

Internet use in Europe has grown rapidly over the years – in 2007 it stood at 57% and in 2013 at 75%.

The internet was used mainly to send/receive e-mails (75%), to find information about goods and services (68%), for instant messaging (67%) and online news (63%).

A majority of people also used the internet to use banking facilities (58%), to participate in social networks (57%), to look for health information (55%), for listening to music (53%) and telephoning or video calls (52%).

Cyprus was down the bottom end of the scale when it came to receiving and sending an email (56%), following online courses (6%), internet banking (41%) and taking part in an online consultation (4%).

Cypriots were more active online -above the EU average – when it came to instant message on say Skype, Viber or WhatsApp (76%), reading online news sites (70%), uploading self-created content (39%) and playing or downloading games (76%).