Travel abroad up 7.7% in January

1 min read

The number of Cypriots traveling abroad during January 2006 was up 7.7% year on year at 59.750 compared to 55.290 in January 2005 and 48.000 in January 2004, the Statistics Department reported.

More than 75% of Cypriot travel abroad was for entertainment, 19.2% for business and 2.9% for studies. The data revealed that Greece remained the most popular destination, absorbing 20.326 or 34% share, down slightly from the 19.517 or 35% share in January a year ago, even though in absolute numbers, travel to Greece recorded a 4.1% y/y increase this year in January.

The UK was the second most popular destination, absorbing 11.579 or 19.4% of the total departures, compared to 10.002 or 18% in January 2005. In absolute numbers, the UK recorded a spectacular increase of 15% in the number of travelers choosing Britain.

The other popular destinations for Cypriots in January 2006 were Russia at 2.342, Lebanon 1.724, Israel 1.530, Syria 1.285 and Egypt 919 persons. With the exception of Israel which recorded a 53.5% y/y increase, the other markets all recorded declines compared to January 2005 figures.

The Statistics Department reported that 55.1% of travelers abroad were females and 44.9% men, of whom 49.3% were in the age group of 25-44, 30.8% among the 45-64 age group and 13.4% in the 15-24 age group.