Poland welcomed most Ukrainian refugees

In June, Poland was the EU state which granted the highest number of temporary protection statuses to people fleeing Ukraine (60,125) after Russia’s invasion, according to Eurostat data. The total number of

Fleeing to Safety: A photo exhibition

To mark World Refugee Day 2022, the UNHCR Country Office in Cyprus and Universitas Foundation present the photographic exhibition Fleeing to Safety by Sebastian Rich. The exhibition launch, curated by Stefanos Kouratzis,

Cyprus hosts 15,000 Ukrainian refugees

Some 15,000 Ukrainian refugees fleeing from Russia’s invasion have found refuge in Cyprus, with migrant flows from the conflict continuing. Since the start of the war on 24 February and up until


Call centre to help Ukrainian refugees

Authorities launched a call centre for Ukrainian refugees who may be unaware of the services available to them, such as accommodation, education and healthcare. It follows reports that Ukrainian refugees are not

3,500 Ukrainian refugees seek Limassol shelter

Some 3,500 Ukrainian refugees, finding their way to Limassol after fleeing from Russia’s invasion, need housing, work, schools for their children and necessities, according to local authorities. Upon the initiative of Limassol