
Cyprus still accepting Ukraine refugees

1 min read

Ukrainians fleeing the Russian invasion that received temporary protection status in the European Union fell in 18 of 25 Member States but not Cyprus.

Cyprus had the third largest increase during September, according to Eurostat.

In September, Poland granted the highest number of temporary protection statuses to Ukrainians (53,545), followed by Germany (51,980), Romania (9,715), Spain (5,745) and Ireland (4,925).

A total of 770 Ukrainian citizens were granted temporary protection status in Cyprus.

Most temporary protection permits in Cyprus were granted in April (2,740), May (3,170) and June (2,140). It has welcomed nearly 17,000 Ukrainian refugees since February’s invasion./

The largest decreases in September from August were observed in Poland (-13,735 people), followed by Germany (-10,160) and France (-2,830).

Meanwhile, the highest increases were recorded in Ireland (+900), Denmark (+345) and Cyprus (+105).

Minor increases (+10 or less) were recorded in Luxembourg, Malta and Romania. No changes were recorded in Bulgaria.

Until 30 September, Poland reported the highest number of Ukrainian beneficiaries of temporary protection, with a total of 1.4 million, followed by Germany (813,725), Spain (145,825) and Bulgaria (134,790).

Compared with the population of each Member State, the highest ratio of Ukrainian citizens granted temporary protection in September per thousand inhabitants was in Estonia (1.8 granted temporary protection per thousand inhabitants), followed by Poland (1.4) and Lithuania, Latvia and Ireland (all 1.0).

Germany granted the highest number of temporary protections for Ukrainian children (under 18) with a total of 15,460 (representing 30% of Ukrainians granted protection in Germany in September), followed by Poland (13,980 or 26%) and Romania (2,865 or 29%).

In all countries where September data are available, children below 14 represented 61% to 87% of all children granted temporary protection.

The majority of Ukrainians granted temporary protection were females, including girls.

The largest numbers of females who received temporary protection were reported by Poland (33,650, representing 63%), Germany (30,785 or 59%) and Romania (5,605, or 58%).

Similarly, the largest numbers of males who received temporary protection were also reported by Germany (21,110 or 41%), Poland (19,900 or 37%) and Romania (4,115 or 42%).