Cyprus government condemns Armenian genocide

1 min read

The Cyprus government condemns the Armenian genocide, noting that the modern Turkey, which aspires to join the EU, ought to recognize the dark pages of its history and apologize for the crimes of its sinful past.
The statement was made on Tuesday by Government Spokesman Christodoulos Pashiardis who added that “as 92 years are being marked since the genocide of Armenians by Turks, the Cyprus government condemns this abhorring crime and takes part in the national mourning of the friendly people of Armenia and especially the Armenian community in Cyprus”.
He said that the “refusal of Turkey to recognize the massacre of one and a half million Armenians constitutes “a ridicule and distortion of history”.
Pashiardis pointed out that “modern Turkey, which aspires and pursues membership in the EU, ought to recognize the dark pages of its history and apologise for the crimes of its sinful past”.
“The genocide of the Armenian people is not a crime that can be wiped down with the violent abuse of the historical truth by guilty Turkey”, the Spokesman added.