Government standing by blaze victims

1 min read

Two days after the devastating Cyprus blaze that turned mountain areas of Limassol and Larnaca district into ashes, Agriculture Minister Costas Kadis said everything possible is being done to support those affected.

Ora village, according to Larnaca District Administration, took the brunt of the wildfire.

At the same time, the electricity authority is working round the clock to get the villages back on the grid.

A bank account has opened for those wishing to contribute to the victims of the fires financially.

After touring the Larnaca region affected by the fires, Kadis said: “The picture is disheartening. We are here to see the damage caused to farmers and send the message that we stand by them”.

Officials are in the region to register the damage and propose a compensating deal for farmers to the Cabinet.

Kadis said the process would be fast to help the farmers remain in their villages.

He said the ministry wants to encourage younger farmers to stay in their villages and become successful, preventing fires from spreading as the fire was controlled in areas where there was human activity and cultivation because there was water.

“We will talk to all farmers in the region and assure them that we will stand by them.”

The Treasury has given the public details of a bank account at the Central Bank where those wishing to contribute to support the people affected by the fires of Limassol and Larnaca district can donate.

The name of the account is: Support to affected victims of the fire in the mountain areas of Larnaca and Limassol. The beneficiary is the Republic of Cyprus.
Central Bank of Cyprus
Account number: 6001027
IBAN:CY42 0010 0001 0000 0000 0600 1027
Swift (BIC) Code: CBCYCY2N

The EAC aims to restore power to Agioi Vavatsinias, Sikopetra and Profitis Elias and remove the generators; most electricity poles were burnt in these areas.

Power was restored at Eptagonia, Odos, Dierona, Melini and Arakapas.