Cyprus Shipping Chamber backs EU Green Deal

1 min read

Cyprus shipping supports the Industry’s positions on the EU Green Deal and is fully committed to eradicating its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions as soon as possible.

On the occasion of European Shipping Week, the European Community Shipowners Associations (ECSA), launched its positions in response to the EU Green Deal proposed by the new European Commission.

The Cyprus Shipping Chamber (CSC) said it was involved in the development of these positions and “fully supports them”.

“European Shipping welcomes and supports the EU’s ambition to take the lead in fighting climate change,” said CSC statement.

“Within this context, the European shipping industry aims to be an active contributor to the IMO discussions on both short-term and long-term measures and seeks the EU’s support for a coordinated and holistic approach at the UN body,” it added.

In response to the EU Green Deal, the European shipping industry has raised 8 key areas where the EU can cooperate with them:

  • Take the lead in the international regulatory process
  • Incentivise the modal shift in transport from roads and air to ferries and short sea shipping – the need for an ambitious strategy
  • Research and Development – make the EU a frontrunner in low- and zero-carbon technologies
  • Port call optimisation
  • Shore power and infrastructure for alternative fuels
  • Establish a green financing programme for the electrification of ferries
  • Use the offshore potential for renewable energy
  • Digitalisation