Merchant marine cadets in Greece (photo: Isalos)

Final call for 40 maritime scholarships in Greece

1 min read

The Deputy Ministry of Shipping announced a final call for 40 scholarships to be provided to Cyprus cadets wishing to study to become captains or engineers at any of the eleven merchant marine academies (AEN) in Greece in September.

The deadline for applications is 2pm on Monday, January 13, and is open to students born after 1998. The minimum requirement is for one of the parents to be a Cypriot national.

Applications must be submitted by hand or by post, having completed all the documents currently posted on the DMS website, together with their high school diploma (Lyceum or technical school ‘apolytirion’), and military service release papers. There is a €20 fee, to be paid online.

Successful candidates will be called for a final exam in Limassol on February 15, and will be tested on Greek, maths and English. Final results will be announced at the end of March and posted on the DMS website.

The deadline for submission of medical records, including swimming competency and good eye sight, is August 4.