
First residents move into Voice for Autism group homes

1 min read

As the first autistic residents settled into their new homes, the NGO Voice for Autism held an official opening at the two group homes in Lakatamia, Nicosia.

The event was under the auspices of Deputy Social Welfare Minister Marilena Evangelou and hosted by the residents themselves, who helped with food and drinks and provided musical entertainment.

Evangelou praised Voice for Autism for the pioneering initiative and said her ministry would support all people on the spectrum and adopt an autism agenda in government.

These are the first homes in Nicosia for people on the autism spectrum, and the NGO is committed to providing independence, inclusion, and opportunities to this community.

Co-founder and President of Voice for Autism, Ellen Georgiou Pontikis, said: “Today is about celebrating our first residents moving in, but more than that, it is about thanking the people who have stood up for us and recognise the need for such projects in Cyprus.

Operating the group homes is made possible by the European Social Fund+ (ESF+), the Department for Social Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities and the government.

The two houses are from a generous donation from the Island Oil Group.

They are next to each other, centrally located and close to amenities.

They serve as prototypes for future assisted-living homes with 24-hour care.

The model is one whereby the NGO, with its expertise and experience with autism, creates a home for autistic individuals.

It will be a place called home, focus on individual needs, and provide a stimulating and supportive environment.