
92 Cypriots enter Stelios bicommunal business awards

1 min read

Some 92 Greek and Turkish Cypriot entrepreneurs have entered the Stelios Bicommunal Business Cooperation Awards 2023.

There are 46 Bicommunal teams, consisting of one Greek Cypriot and one Turkish Cypriot entrepreneur, who submitted their joint application to claim the cash prize of €20,000.

Sir Stelios Haji-Ioannou, creator and owner of the easy family of brands and Founder of the Stelios Philanthropic Foundation (https://steliosfoundation.com.cy/), offers €10,000 to 20 entrepreneurs, each member of the ten bi-communal teams with a successful business proposal.

The Awards Ceremony and the announcement of the ten leading teams, who will claim a total €200,000, will take place online on March 21, with Sir Stelios Haji-Ioannou, congratulating the winners via zoom.

The Stelios Bi-Communal Awards 2023 focus exclusively on Greek and Turkish Cypriots’ business cooperation, and only businesses with a turnover of at least €10,000 per year and employ at least one staff member besides the owner were eligible to participate.

It is the 13th event in Cyprus, while the total value of the Awards since the first event in 2009 is €4,190,000, including this year’s amount.