Road accident turns into 80-people brawl

1 min read

A road accident in Limassol involving three cars and a motorcycle turned into a street fight, with more than 80 people reportedly throwing punches at each other.

The road accident happened at the busy junction between Spyros Kyprianou and Theodoros Potamianou Avenues on Wednesday at 9 pm.

The accident involved three cars and a motorcycle, but reportedly, the drivers called for backup, with dozens arriving at the scene.

Fighting erupted, with concerned citizens calling the police.

Police officers arriving at the scene attempted to break up the fighting when they were attacked by two men aged 33 and 35.

Both men were arrested and charged with assault, assault against an officer and causing a public disturbance.

According to reports, a 26-year-old driving one of the vehicles involved in the accident reported being attacked by four people before the incident.

He received medical treatment, with doctors finding that he had suffered an ear drum rapture after receiving a blow to the head.

Police told the Financial Mirror that foreign nationals and Cypriots were involved in the violence but could not elaborate on why so many people were involved.