Cyprus, RAF conduct first air defence exercise

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An air defence exercise codenamed APHRODITE SHIELD, with the participation of the National Guard and aircraft from the Royal Air Force, took place Thursday for the first time.

The purpose of the exercise was to train the air defence personnel of the National Guard in air force deployment tactics, increase operational readiness and the level of adjustment in the design and conduct of air operations.

According to the National Guard, the air defence system was activated during the military exercise, and the army’s facilities’ self-protection system and performance were evaluated in realistic conditions.

The personnel practised tactical weapons control, information transmission, and air defence procedures.

“The exercise was conducted in the framework of the Bilateral Defence Cooperation Program between the Republic of Cyprus and the United Kingdom and is considered particularly beneficial, as it provides the opportunity for National Guard personnel to train together with Units of the British Armed Forces.”

Joint Cyprus-US SAR exercise

A joint Search and Rescue (SAR) Exercise was conducted on Thursday within Cyprus’ Search and Rescue Region, with the participation of SAR Units and Personnel from the USA.

The Joint Rescue Coordination Centre (JRCC) Larnaca said a US Navy helicopter MH-60S of MSC-28 from Sigonella, the fast patrol boat THISEAS of Cyprus Port and Marine Police, the FBP TSOMAKIS of the Cyprus Navy, and a helicopter from 460 SQN of the National Guard participated in both day and night SAREX scenarios.

The exercise was part of the wider framework of cooperation between Cyprus and the USA in SAR-related matters and humanitarian operations in general in the South-East Mediterranean region.