
COVID19: Third of population gets jab, no tests for vaccinated workers

1 min read

Cyprus says it is on target for reaching herd immunity by July after the Health Ministry announced Friday 34.1% of the population had been vaccinated with at least one shot of a coronavirus vaccine.

Based on data by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), Cyprus ranks 6th regarding administering at least the first dose of a COVID-19 jab.

And at 34.1%, Cyprus is above the EU average of 31.3% of the population.

The Ministry said that until 6 May, 252,792 people had received a coronavirus vaccine, while 10.8% have completed their vaccination (79,631).

With the total number of vaccine doses administrated exceeding 332,000 (37.8 doses per 100 inhabitants), priority for vaccination is now given to citizens of the age group 30-39 years.

From next week, priority for appointments will be given to the age group of 20-29.

The Health Ministry aims for 65% of the population to have received at least the first dose of a vaccine by the end of June, thus reaching herd immunity.

Those who have completed their vaccination with a licensed vaccine and 14 days have passed no longer need to self-isolate if they are a close contact of a positive case.

In addition, those who have been vaccinated with at least one dose and three weeks have passed since then will be able to participate in various social and other events, provided they show their vaccination card.

Moreover, employees who have been vaccinated with at least the first dose and three weeks have passed are exempted from the obligation to undergo a weekly antigen rapid test.

“Vaccination is an act of personal responsibility for every citizen,” said the Ministry.

“With vaccinations and observance of the measures, we will return to normalcy.

“We will be able to take our lives and the lives of our children back since vaccination is proven to be the main tool, but also the key to exiting the pandemic.”