COVID19: Cyprus offers vaccine to people aged 49

1 min read

Cyprus COVID-19 vaccination rollout this week has reached people in their 40s, as the appointment portal opens for those aged 49 and 50 on Wednesday.

The Health Ministry said scheduling appointments for vaccination against COVID-19 for people aged 40-49 will gradually begin.

It said the portal would open at 7.30 am on Wednesday until Thursday at 8 pm, with 16,000 available appointments.

Next in line will be people aged 47 and 48 able to book vaccination appointments from 7.30 am on Friday until 8 pm Saturday.

Up until Monday, Cyprus carried out 214,675 vaccinations, 1526,682, or 17.8% of the population, received the first dose and 57,973 (6.6%) their second dose.

The ministry also said that 183 people at Cyprus Central Prisons and the Refugee Reception Center at Pournara in Nicosia had received their first vaccine shot.

Government spokesperson Kyriacos Koushos said authorities are hoping to get 65% of the population vaccinated by the end of June, calling on people to be patient and comply with health protocols until then.

Cyprus sees unprecedented numbers of accumulated daily cases, as health authorities announced 822 cases on Monday and 852 on Sunday, putting more pressure on hospitals.

“It is the duty of all of us to realize the seriousness and urgency of the situation.

“We call once again on everyone to get vaccinated; we urge the public to observe protective and personal hygiene measures because the only way to limit the virus spreading is to stick to the measures,” said Koushos.

Cyprus is expected to see increased vaccine deliveries with a huge Pfizer order in the next couple of months.

Cyprus will be receiving 600,000 doses of Pfizer, about 350,000 AstraZeneca jabs and 80,000 from Moderna.