Emergency — break glass

The glass ceiling of gender disparity in Cyprus has started to crack, but it is still a long way from breaking. On March 8, instead of celebrating the occasion marking International Women’s


Cyprus long way from closing gender gap

Cyprus has 27% of women in management-level positions – one of the lowest rates in the EU and ranks 22 in the EU on the Gender Equality Index, House Speaker Annita Demetrious

Cyprus introduces gender change legislation

Cypriots wanting to change their gender identity will soon be able to do so simply by submitting an under-oath application with the Registrar and paying a €50 fee. A bill recently submitted

Cyprus gender pay gap 9%

To mark International Equal Pay Day, Commissioner for Gender Equality, Iosifina Antoniou highlighted the long-standing struggles to achieve parity between men and women at work, noting the wage gap in Cyprus is

Gender gap widens in Cyprus

Cyprus is nowhere near reaching gender equality in politics, as the gap has widened, with the island ranked 21 among the European Union 27. According to a note sent to Parliament by
