Energy majors commit to East Med gas exploration

Energy companies operating in the Eastern Mediterranean- Chevron, ENI, Shell, and ExxonMobil- reaffirmed their commitment to exploiting natural gas. US oil major Chevron, which operates Aphrodite, considered the most mature gas field

Aeronautical exercise in East Med

Aeronautical exercise “EUNOMIA” is being organised for the fourth consecutive year in the Eastern Mediterranean from 11 to 15 September, in the framework of the Quadripartite Initiative between Cyprus, Greece, France and


Climate change threatens health in East Med

A study published in the scientific journal ‘Environmental Research’ presents the first comprehensive review of how climate change impacts people’s health in the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East (EMME) region. It identifies


Energising the East Med

Two landmark events this week allowed Cyprus to get back on the regional and European energy map. The current administration has kept energy high on its agenda. Still, the next holders of

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