Fake clouds over EuroAsia cable

A clean-energy start-up, ready by 2030, aims to become the world’s longest subsea interconnector, supplying Britain with about 10.5 gigawatts of electricity, enough for 7 million households, or about 8% of the


EuroAsia cable will reduce power costs

EuroAsia Interconnector, the Israel-Cyprus-Greece electricity line with a capacity to carry more than the island needs, will significantly help reduce consumer bills and make the economy more competitive. With household bills soaring


Clean energy is the future

During her brief visit to three strategic states this week, vital to the European Union’s energy security and supply, the EU Commission President had a lot to say, directed to many, at


EuroAsia cable to cut 20% CO2 emissions

Two key energy projects, the EuroAsia Interconnector subsea electricity cable and importing natural gas for power generation, will end the energy isolation of Cyprus and reduce emissions. Both goals align with EU

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