President Clerides receiving the credentials of Irish Ambassador John Swift in 2001, with Pantelis Kouros (right) (Photo: PIO)

OBITUARY: Pantelis Kouros, President Clerides’ trusted aide

1 min read

Pantelis Kouros, the most trusted aide two-time Cyprus president Glafcos Clerides had throughout his political career, has died aged 89.

His funeral will take place on Tuesday at the Constantinou and Eleni church and cemetery in Nicosia.

The eulogy will be delivered by President Nicos Anastasiades, who said in a statement: “Pantelis Kouros was a man with a rare ethos, a rationalist, with genuine courtesy. He served his country for decades with exemplary dignity. He wrote his own story next to Glafcos Clerides.”

Pantelis Kouros was a soft-spoken man who avoided publicity or making media statements.

He was better known for being on the side of Clerides from 1969 with the ‘Eniaion’ party, throughout the 1974 war, setting up the Democratic Rally (DISY) party in 1976, election campaigns, two presidential terms, and up to his death in 2013.

Kouros was a member of DISY since its founding and held key party positions up to 1993, after which he served President Clerides as his Undersecretary for two terms.

In its announcement, DISY said Kouros “stood as much as anyone on the side of the late leader in the developments that determined the course of modern Cyprus.”