
Violence against women a high priority issue

1 min read

Violence against women and girls is a high priority issue for a government committed to eliminating it, Justice Minister Emily Yiolitis said at a virtual event organized by the Commonwealth Ministerial Action Group.

She assured that Cyprus is making every effort at all levels to promote women’s rights and gender equality.

In her intervention, Yiolitis spoke of the significant developments that have taken place in recent years, such as the ratification of the Istanbul Convention in November 2017, the drafting of comprehensive legislation to combat gender-based violence.

It also includes drafting a law criminalizing harassment against women and the operation of the “House for Women”.

“The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed and intensified gender inequalities. Because of the crisis, women have less access to social protection services while at the same time constitute the majority of single-parent households,” said Yiolitis.

According to the European Institute for Gender Equality, women make up 70% of health workers worldwide, including midwives, nurses, pharmacists and community health workers.

The online meeting discussed the effects of the coronavirus crisis on equality and women’s rights, economic empowerment, protection from gender-based violence, the effects of climate change and the right to education.

The promotion of the ministerial action group on women’s issues was also discussed and to be further promoted in the Commonwealth agenda for gender equality.