
Only 27% of women in management positions

1 min read

Cyprus has one of the lowest rates of women in management-level positions in Europe with only 27%, below the EU average of 34%.

Women are still highly outnumbered at the management level in Cyprus, according to data released by Eurostat.

In Q3 2020, more than 9.5 million people held a managerial position in the EU: 6.2 million men and 3.3 million women.

Although women represent almost half of all employed persons in the EU (46%), they are under-represented amongst managers (34%).

With some bumps on the road, this share has gradually increased from just below 30% in Q2 2002.

Among the EU Member States, the largest share of women at managerial positions in Q3 2020 was recorded in Latvia (45%) and Poland (44%), followed by Bulgaria, Hungary, Slovenia and Sweden (all 42%).

At the opposite end of the scale, women accounted for only around a quarter of managers in Croatia (24%), the Netherlands (26%) and Cyprus (27%).

In Greece, the rate is slightly higher, at 29%.

Meanwhile, the EU employment rate (for people aged 20-64) was 66.6% for women and 78.3% for men, corresponding to a gender gap of 11.7 percentage points (pp).

This gender employment gap in favour of men was seen across all levels of education.

However, the lower the education level, the wider the gap was between the employment rates for men and women; 86.9% of men and 80.5% of women with a high educational level were employed.

In contrast, the employment rate for men with a low educational level was 65.9%; for women, it was 43.4%.

The gender employment gap between men and women with low educational attainment level was 22.5 pp, more than triple the employment gap among highly educated men and women (which was 6.4 pp).

Over three-quarters of men with a medium level of education (78.5%) were employed, and under two-thirds of women (65.9%).

It corresponds to a gender employment gap of 12.6 pp.

Over the last decade, the gender employment gap decreased from 13.5 pp in Q3 2010 to 11.7 pp in Q3 2020.

Similarly, the employment gap between men and women with a high education level decreased from 7.2 pp in Q3 2010 to 6.4 pp in Q3 2020.