Employment in wider public sector increased 2.3% in Q1

1 min read

Total employment in the wider public sector in the first three months of 2020 reached 69,263 persons, an annual increase of 2.3% (1,527) from 2019.

Employment in general government was 63,695 and in publicly-owned enterprises and companies there were 5,568 personnel, according to the Cyprus Statistical Service.

In general government, which consists of state, non-profit organisations and local authorities, total employment reached 52,560, 7,082 and 4,053 respectively.

Staff in central government increased by 1,364 (2.3%), in publicly owned enterprises it went up by 2.7% (147 people) and local authorities personnel increased by 0.4% (16).

Compared to Q4, 2019, public sector employment marginally increased by 89 people (0.1%)

Employment in central government and in publicly owned enterprises climbed by 0.1% (37 people) and 152 people (2.8%) respectively, while in local authorities it decreased by 100 staff (-2.4%).

Central government employees include the civil service, teachers, Police, Fire Service, hourly-paid workers and Military Personnel.

Non-profit organizations include state universities, theatre, culture and youth groups, Bank of Cyprus Oncology Centre, CyBC, Cyprus News Agency, and State Health Services Organisation.

Publicly Owned Enterprises and Companies include Cyprus Telecommunication Authority, Electricity Authority, Cyprus Port Authority, Water Boards, Forest Industries, Cyprus Stock Exchange, Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission and Health Insurance Organization.

Local authorities include municipalities and other types of local administration.