Hospitals get high satisfaction rating

1 min read

State hospitals enjoy the trust of Cypriot patients as they rate healthcare services with an overall rating of 8.8 out of 10, announced the Health Insurance Organisation.

To continue improving the quality of services provided, the HIO has conducted a survey on in-hospital healthcare services provided to beneficiaries of the General Health System (GHS).

Beneficiaries receiving in-hospital care were asked to complete a brief questionnaire electronically.

Patients were asked to evaluate the cleanliness, equipment, and general facilities of the hospital room and ward from which they received treatment.

They also had the opportunity to evaluate the doctors, nursing, and paramedical staff in terms of behaviour, the information provided, the extent of involvement in managing their health, and the quality of instructions given to them upon discharge.

Furthermore, beneficiaries were asked to assess the time it took to receive necessary healthcare and the overall quality of care.

The survey was carried out between 26 April and 31 August, with the participation of patients discharged during this period.

“The result reflects the high level of contracted hospitals, as the organisation consistently ensures the provision of quality healthcare services to beneficiaries through a modern and, above all, patient-centred healthcare system,” said the HIO.

HIO said it was committed to providing universal coverage and equal treatment to all beneficiaries through a comprehensive package of quality healthcare services.

“The organisation wants beneficiaries to understand their role in improving the quality of services received from the GHS is crucial.

“Therefore, after completing their hospitalisation, they are encouraged to complete the questionnaire they receive in their email”.