Hospitals get high satisfaction rating

State hospitals enjoy the trust of Cypriot patients as they rate healthcare services with an overall rating of 8.8 out of 10, announced the Health Insurance Organisation. To continue improving the quality

Summer viruses, COVID burden hospitals

State hospitals, especially those in coastal towns, are under pressure as they are coping with a steep increase in emergency cases of seasonal viruses and food poisoning while COVID is returning. Cases

Hospitals told to reduce urgent surgeries

The health system is dangerously low on available beds in intensive care units, forcing authorities to reduce the number of surgeries requiring patients to stay in one following the procedure. Cyprus’ Health

Wave of infections stretching hospitals

Hospitals are overwhelmed as the health system comes under pressure from a wave of respiratory infections, such as Influenza A. Authorities are also concerned over COVID transmission within hospitals; visits at Paphos

Outrage over bedridden patients tied down

The Federation of Patients’ Associations (OSAK) is angered at reports of patients being mistreated at state hospitals, including being tied to their beds. Families complained that they found their loved ones tied

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