
Cypriots participate in Peace Run

1 min read

Around 200 Greek and Turkish Cypriots participated in the International Day of Peace Run in divided Nicosia.

The United Nations Development Programme organised the event with funding from the European Union, in coordination with OSASG-Cyprus, under the auspices of The Technical Committee on Culture, with the bicommunal running group Runite.

Bringing the Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot communities together, around 200 people ran an 8km course through the historic streets of Nicosia.

The runners set off through the streets of Nicosia to demonstrate their shared commitment to global peace.

The finish line, at the Ledra Palace Hotel, provided a celebratory atmosphere where Greek and Turkish Cypriot runners could connect with fellow participants.

Each runner received a commemorative T-shirt and finishing medal as tokens of participation and contribution to promoting peace and understanding through sports.

Stefan Simosas, Head of Cooperation of the Cyprus Settlement Support Unit of the EU Commission, said: “Marking the International Day of Peace in Cyprus with a sports event is an opportunity to recognise the positive role that sports play in nurturing tolerance and trust.

“The European Union is committed to support and promote such events that build confidence and respect between the two Cypriot communities.”

The Head of UNDP Cyprus, Jakhongir Khaydarov, said: “The International Day of Peace Run exemplifies the power of collaboration and the potential of sport to transcend boundaries and bring the people of Cyprus together”.