UK Bases celebrate IWD

1 min read

The British Bases champion the importance of equal opportunities in the workplace as organisations all over the world celebrate International Women’s Day.

There is an almost even split between men and women employed in the Bases, and of the 43.23% of locally employed women currently working across all sectors – 591, both Greek and Turkish Cypriot – one-quarter of those are currently working in managerial positions.

In recent years, the number of women employed in roles like law enforcement and the fire service has also seen their numbers grow.

That was highlighted earlier this week as seven new female SBA Police officers took their official oath and began their first day as constables.

Speaking at the attestation ceremony, 22-year-old Gul Akgouchlou said she was delighted to join the police force at such an important time.

“To take my oath so close to International Women’s Day does make it a little more special.

“This is a tough job but one I am really looking forward to. I want to make a difference as a woman and as a police officer.”

Christiana Hadjiioannou, a Business Support Manager working in Episkopi’s Headquarters, has been employed in the Bases since 2018.

“It (International Women’s Day) is an opportunity to engage colleagues on the benefits of gender inclusion within the workplace and to take action to achieve gender parity within the organisation and to contribute to the success of the organisation as a whole.”

British Forces Cyprus and the SBAA also compare favourably with the gender split across the Ministry of Defence, with women making up 58% of all Civil Servants posted to Cyprus, higher than the overall average of 40%.