Nicosia condemns north UDI on 39th anniversary

1 min read

Cyprus is protesting the unilateral declaration of independence by the breakaway Turkish-occupied north, proclaimed on 15 November 1983.

This year marks the 39th anniversary of the self-declared “Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus”, only recognised by Turkey.

“The declaration of the pseudo-state is a violation of every concept of international law and contempt for the principles and values of the European Union,” Tweeted President Nicos Anastasiades.

UDI was condemned by UN Security Council resolutions 541 (1983) and 550 (1984), which called it “legally invalid” and asked for its immediate withdrawal.

Resolution 550 also called upon states not to recognise the “TRNC” set up by secessionist acts nor to facilitate or assist that secessionist entity.

Protests in Nicosia are taking place Tuesday, organised by the Pancyprian Student Coordination Committee (PSEM) and the Pancyprian Federation of Student Unions (POFEN).

The union of Turkish-occupied municipalities is holding an event in Larnaca to condemn the ‘black anniversary’.

On 15 November 1983, nine years after the Turkish invasion of the island, Turkey instigated and endorsed the unilateral declaration of independence announced by the Turkish Cypriot leadership.

Since 1974, when Turkish troops invaded and occupied the island`s northern third, Cyprus has been divided.

Decades of UN-backed peace talks to reunite the island under a federal roof have failed to end the division.