Cyprus shipping signs €1.68 mln digitisation contract

1 min read

The Deputy Ministry of Shipping announced it had signed a contract for digitising its services, heralded as “an important step” to further strengthen the important sector’s efficiency.

The contract was signed with the CSC Consortium (Cellock, SignalGenerix and Computer Resources International (Luxemburg)) following a tender process.

It covers the digitisation of the Deputy Ministry’s services at the cost of €1.68 mln.

The project, financed by the EU through the Recovery and Resilience Facility, is expected to be completed within 21 months.

Shipping minister, Vassilios Demetriades, said it was an important step to reduce bureaucracy and improve results by creating the framework for a more direct and quality service.

“It will also form the strongest basis to shape the one-stop-shipping-shop framework, which was a standing demand of the shipping industry,” said Demetriades.

He said that with the full digitisation of the ministry’s services, it would be able to operate in a paperless environment.

The complete digitisation of services is a priority reflected in the Strategic Vision for Cypriot Shipping “SEA Change 2030”.