Christodoulides leads Presidential polls 

1 min read

Centre-right DIKO-backed Nikos Christodoulides is the frontrunner for February 2023 Presidential Elections, as a new opinion poll gives him a considerable lead.

According to a poll by Alpha TV, Christodoulides leads with a 33.1% share of the vote, while a tight race is predicted between laggers — AKEL-backed Andreas Mavroyiannis and ruling DISY’s chief Averof Neophytou.

Mavroyiannis, so far, appears to have the support of just 12.5% of voters despite enjoying the backing of the main opposition party AKEL which obtained 22.34% in the last parliamentary elections.

Not far behind, Neophytou is third with 11.9%, despite enjoying the support of President Nicos Anastasiades.

Achilleas Demetriades, a well-known human rights lawyer running a campaign focusing on a solution to the Cyprus problem, follows with 4.9%.

Far-right ELAM’s candidate Christos Christou is not far behind with 4.3%.

The top five candidates are then followed by Constantinos Christofides (4%), George Colocassides (1.7%), Marios Eliades (0.7%) Christodoulos Protopapas (0.5%).

The remaining 0.4% said they would vote for ‘other’ candidates.

Some 15.5% of those asked said they have yet to make their mind up, 5.3% preferred not to answer, 2.2% said they would not vote, and 2.9% would be casting a blank vote.

In the event of a second-round run-off, ex-foreign minister Christodoulides again trumps both Mavroyiannis and Neophytou.

In a battle between Mavroyiannis and Christodoulides, the latter would come on top with 52.8% to 20.9%.

Against Neophytou, Christodoulides would again win with 54.8% and the DISY leader with 16.6%.

In the scenario where Mavroyiannis and Neophytou progress to the second round, the vote share would be 37.2% for the former and 25.5% for the latter.

A majority, 41%, predicted a second round between Neophytou and Christodoulides, while just 18% saw a duel between Mavroyiannis and Christodoulides, and 17% said Mavroyiannis and Neophytou.

Christodoulides’ pool of votes in the first round is 64% from DIKO, 40% from Elam, 39% from EDEK, 37% from DISY and 13% from AKEL.

Mavroyiannis attracted 56% from AKEL, 9% from EDEK, 4% from DIKO and 3% from DISY.

Neophytou had 39% from DISY voters, 9% from DIKO, 4% from ELAM, 4% from DIKO, 3% from EDEK and 1% from AKEL.

Asked who they expect to win, 36% said Christodoulides, 29% Neophytou and 7% Mavroyiannis.

Wrong direction

Seven out of ten said they felt Cyprus was moving ‘in the wrong direction’ while not being happy with incumbent Anastasiades.

Asked whether they were satisfied with the Anastasiades administration, 34% said they were ‘not satisfied at all’, and 36% said ‘not so satisfied’.

Only 22% said they were ‘considerably satisfied’ while just 6% said they were ‘very satisfied’.

The survey was conducted by Rai Consultants Ltd between June 23-28, with a random selection of 1,006.