
Turkish threats on Varosha will end peace moves

1 min read

If Turkey proceeds with reopening fenced-off Varosha, it will be the death-knell of the Cyprus peace process, said President Nicos Anastasiades has warned.

Addressing a reception for the 245th anniversary of US independence, Anastasiades urged Washington to persuade Turkish President Recep Tayyip Ergodan to see sense.

“If Turkey proceeds with actions concerning Varosha, this will be the tombstone of not only resuming the negotiating process but, and most importantly, to reaching a viable and functional settlement,” Anastasiades said.

He expressed his deep appreciation for the continuous US support for reunifying Cyprus on the agreed basis of a bi-zonal, bi-communal federation, in line with the UN Security Council Resolutions.

“A position which President Biden reiterated through his letter of May 28, 2021.

“Support of utmost importance, against the backdrop of the position of both Ankara and the Turkish Cypriot leadership for a two-state solution.”

Anastasiades said the Turkish positions at Geneva “regrettably did not allow the Secretary-General to move forward towards the resumption of the peace process, despite our efforts to achieve a breakthrough.”

“In the face of this setback, I would like to reiterate most strongly my commitment to engage in a new creative and meaningful dialogue immediately, in full respect of the UN parameters, provided the necessary conditions are in place, and all stakeholders involved abstain from any illegal activities.”

US Ambassador Judith Garber said: “We strongly support the efforts facilitated by the United Nations to resume formal negotiations for settling the Cyprus problem.

“President Biden remains convinced not only that a solution is possible, but that a reunited island would benefit all Cypriots and the wider region.”