
Cypriots concerned about 5G risks

1 min read

Many Cypriots believe that 5G networks pose a health risk while doubting whether the technology will deliver on faster internet access, a survey suggests.

If 5G networks were to be deployed in the next 12 months, survey participants expressed concerns about potential health risks (69%), disruption to urban landscape (39%), lack of sufficient 5G compatible devices (26%) and the possible failure of 5G to deliver on promised upgraded capabilities (23%).

A new survey by PwC Cyprus and the University of Nicosia on 5G networks records the Cypriot market’s level of awareness and readiness to adopt this new technology.

The report entitled “5G Opportunities & Challenges” drew data and conclusions from the answers provided by more than 400 participants in the survey.

Participants were asked to answer questions about the usage of and level of satisfaction with connectivity services, familiarity with mobile data, level of interest in 5G and their intention to adopt the revolutionary technology.

Survey participants reported their overall satisfaction with current internet services as high, with more than 78% of users satisfied with their primary internet connection.

The current high satisfaction level, however, sets the bar high for 5G implementation.

Users report that speed (40%), cost (29%) and reliability (20%) are the three most important features for improving their internet connection.

Moreover, 30.2% said they were unwilling to pay more than they currently do for 5G services.

A very high percentage (72.4%) of respondents were familiar with the term “5G”, while most of those unfamiliar with it were aged under 20 or over 50.

Some 83% of respondents said “faster data speeds” are an essential factor contributing to their willingness to pay more for 5G.

It was followed by “quicker response times” with 49%, “better quality video calls” with 42%, “more bandwidth to accommodate more devices” with 41% and “increased reliability” at 40%.

George Ioannou, Assurance Director at PwC Cyprus, said the survey was a handy tool for drawing conclusions for both society and the market.

“The benefits that 5G will bring to society over the next decade are expected to be revolutionary.

“Through this survey, we want to contribute to the public debate; a necessary element for the successful development and commercialisation of 5G.”

University of Nicosia, Professor Petros Lois, said revolutionary 5G technology had made its way into global research.

“It is necessary and equally important for research to take into consideration the expectations, but also the concerns regarding something new, which will penetrate social, economic and business life.”

You can find the report www.pwc.com.cy/5g-survey.