
COVID19: Wedding parties at home limited to 50 guests

1 min read

People planning to get married or have a christening with a reception or party at their home will have to confine their guest list to a maximum of 50 due to COVID-19 rules, said the Health Ministry on Thursday.

Wedding and christening parties hosted at residences with more than 50 guests will need to be approved by the Health Ministry first.

“To obtain approval, proof of the event (invitation, etc) must be sent to this email address: [email protected] stating the date of the event, the square meters of the space where it will take place as well as the number of guests,” a Health Ministry statement said.

“It is understood that, in all cases, all measures and guidelines must be observed in accordance with the relevant protocols governing the conduct of weddings and baptisms in dining areas – as provided by the Epidemiological Surveillance Unit,” it added.

At non-residential venues, the limit is 350 guests for sit-down dinner at weddings and christenings while the traditional greeting of the couple at these events should not see more than 250 people per hour passing through.