EDITORIAL: Sore losers – Leftists of the world, unite!

1 min read


Why is it that the communists in Cyprus and the rest of Europe are such sore losers?
The ink from Sunday’s presidential election results had hardly dried and an uncoordinated campaign quickly got underway criticising President-elect Nicos Anastasiades’ every move. The silliest statement came from one commentator saying that the election winner was wrong to call a press conference and to give a brief statement to the foreign press … in English!
Actually, this was probably one of the wisest first moves by the new leader who used every media available to him to convey the message to European partners and international lenders that he remains committed to the bailout plan, as harsh as the austerity measures may be.
There was also some patting on the back saying that Akel’s candidate, Stavros Malas, had campaigned with ethos and introduced a new standard to Cyprus politics. Does this mean that by Akel’s own admission, it’s party leaders and spokesmen are unethical?
Then came the loony party, also known as the European Left that said it was “very concerned about the election of a right-wing president, ‘man of confidence’ of European leaders, at the head of the Republic of Cyprus.”
“His lack of clear vision concerning the military occupation of northern Cyprus by Turkey, his pro-NATO position in a very tense geopolitical area, and his assumed submission to the injunctions of the troika are very serious” the EL said.
It added that following the discovery of a major natural gas field, the victory of a right-wing to the service of employers poses a threat to the energy sovereignty of the people of Cyprus and to the economic development of the country.
Do they know something that we don’t?
And finally, EL also saluted outgoing President Demetris Christofias, “who did everything, facing the crisis, to protect social rights and the sovereignty of the people of Cyprus”.
No mention of rising unemployment, single-handedly destroying the banking sector and the island’s credibility, while not taking any responsibility for the handling of the worst peacetime disaster this land has ever witnessed.