NY Life Insurance accepting claims on century old Greek Policies

1 min read

New York Life Insurance Company, which sold life insurance policies from 1882 until 1914, after searching its records found out that it had received no claims and thus paid no benefits or cash value on some policies referred to as the ''Greek Policies'' and is thus inviting descendants to submit claims.
In order to encourage claims upon the Greek Policies, New York Life established the Greek Life Insurance Policy Program. Descendants of persons insured under the Greek Policies can visit the website www.greekinsuranceclaims.com and submit claims for benefits.
The website contains the list of 1031 persons insured, 26 of whom have Cyprus as the insured's town/country.
In case those interested do not get answers to their questions on the website, they may communicate with the company as follows: Phone number in the USA with no charge: 1.888.922.2973, Australia: 001180033311144, France/Germany/Greece/Italy: 0080033311144. By e-mail: [email protected].