Papadopoulos repeats commitment to bizonal, bicommunal Cyprus

1 min read

Republic of Cyprus President Tassos Papadopoulos fought off suggestions that he does not support a bizonal solution for Cyprus by reiterating his commitment to a bizonal, bicommunal federation at Europe Day celebrations on Tuesday.

Commenting on an article in a newspaper saying that he rejects a federal solution of the Cyprus problem, President Papadopoulos said “I say firmly and again that the solution we are aiming at is a bizonal, bicommunal federation of Cyprus.”

Critics of President Papadopoulos have accused him of either supporting a unitary state, in which Turkish Cypriots would be treated as a special minority, or of privately preferring a two-state solution.

Lately the Greek Cypriot political elite has been disturbed by an opinion poll conducted by the state broadcaster, the Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation, which showed that support for living with Turkish Cypriots had fallen to less than 50% in the past three years.

EU and UN both have a role

Papadopoulos also appeared to strike a conciliatory tone with Turkish Cypriots.

“By our accession in the EU automatically the lawful citizens of Cyprus, Turkish Cypriots and Greek Cypriots, are automatically citizens of Europe and we intend to see that both communities make use of the benefits which our accession to the EU provided and at the same time we must both comply with the obligations towards the EU,” he said.

Papadopoulos also said the both the UN and the EU have a role.

Traditionally Turkey and the Turkish Cypriots have been more wary of a strong EU role because what they see as a Greek Cypriot state is already an EU member.

He said “the EU has to play a role in whatever solution we find,” adding that the EU “has to advise us and monitor that any arrangements to be met would be compatible with the acquis communautaire”.

However, the President added “At the same time it is universally accepted, also accepted by us – maybe this is one of the few common points with our Turkish compatriots – that the Cyprus problem must remain under the umbrella of the United Nations. Neither EU nor any country wants the Cyprus problem to be removed from under the aegis of the UN into another forum.”