New asylum claims drop 33% but still high

The number of first-time asylum applicants in August dropped 33% in Cyprus, but despite the drop, Cyprus still had the highest ratio of asylum applicants per population. Meanwhile, according to monthly asylum


59.2% receive higher education

In 2022, 59.2% of the population of Cyprus aged 25 – 34 (42% in the EU) had a tertiary level of educational attainment, according to Eurostat. In 72 out of the 240 NUTS


Cyprus cat COVID reaches UK

Scientists have found that a coronavirus strain that has killed at least 8,000 cats in Cyprus has spread to the UK. A cat brought to the UK from the Mediterranean island was


Cash is no longer king

Cash is losing its dominance in Cyprus, mirroring a wider trend in the European Union, where the majority of consumers now prefer using digital payment methods, according to the Central Bank of


Business ‘death rate’ is 6.3%

The rate of “enterprise births” in Cyprus in 2021 stood at 10.2%, while the rate of “enterprise deaths” was 6.3%, according to data by Eurostat. It is the first time the statistical


Life expectancy drops

Life expectancy in Cyprus fell to 81.3 years in 2021 compared to 82.4 the year before, the latest Eurostat data show. According to Eurostat, during the last decade, life expectancy in the

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