Hate speech army officer in hot water

1 min read

Police executed a search warrant at the home of a National Guard officer who had incited homophobia and hate speech in a video he posted on social media platform Tik Tok.

In comments to Phileleftheros daily, police spokesperson, Christos Andreou, confirmed that officers had searched the house of the NCO, confiscating a laptop and other documents.

Andreou said police acted immediately upon receiving the complaint, with the Electronic Crime Sub-Division already taking statements as part of the investigation.

According to Defence Ministry spokesperson Andreas Stylianou, the army officer is already facing possible disciplinary charges.

As Stylianou said, the National Guard will appoint an investigating officer to identify any disciplinary action necessary.

The incident gained attention earlier this week when concerned citizens and the LGBTQI movement Accept filed a complaint against the army officer who posted TikTok videos saying being gay goes against nature.

“You should shut your ass and your mouth and work with the tools you have to become a man in the way God naturally created you,” the NCO was quoted saying in the videos.

Accept LGBTI blasted the content, saying the man had also posted other material telling the world that if he had a gay son, he would shoot him.

It called on authorities to send out a zero-tolerance message.

“Such videos are unacceptable in a European country in 2023,” noted Accept.

Meanwhile, the incident was also condemned by Commissioner for the Protection of Human Rights Maria Stylianou Lottides, who said the video created feelings of disgust.

The Ombudsman called on the minister of defence to take action immediately.

“He humiliates and degrades human dignity, which could drive other people to commit violent acts against the LGBTQI community,” said Lottides.

“The contentious video confirms that despite positive developments in cementing human rights for LGBTQI people through a legal framework, the reality shows there are still members of society which are extremely vulnerable to homophobic attitudes”.