Accidents in the workplace drop

1 min read

The number of accidents at work recorded a drop in the last two years, but three deaths have been recorded this year, compared to eight fatal work accidents in 2021.

Last year a total of 1,453 work accidents were recorded, compared to 1,550 in 2020, said director of the Labour Inspection Department Anastasios Giannakis.

He said the reduction recorded in the last two years was probably due to the pandemic since sectors of the economy did not operate to the extent they did in 2019 while many worked from home.

Regarding the implementation of measures against COVID-19 in workplaces, he said that in 2021 alone, 22,000 inspections were carried out, checking compliance with the rules.

Another 4-5,000 inspections were carried out in collaboration with other services.

The government and social partners signed the new Strategy for Safety and Health at Work 2021-2027 based on the strategic framework of the European Commission.