
Paphos pioneers ‘smart parking’

1 min read

Paphos introduces a ‘smart parking’ system for 3,300 spaces around town, making it the island’s first town to practically implement its ‘smart city’ concept.

The new system, costing €916,300, will be ready by December, according to the contract signed by Mayor Phedon Phedonos and the operator, Inntenet Ltd and the deal includes maintenance for the next eight years.

It is eligible for financing from EU structural funds.

The system will incorporate all municipal parking lots, as well as individual street-side space. It will include sensors connected to a mobile app to allow motorists to search for free spaces and pay online.

The programme will also be offered to private parking lot operators as part of the ‘shared economy’ platform of public-private initiatives.

Phedonos said this is the first of 20 innovative projects planned for Paphos.