CYPRUS: EUR 250 mln budgeted for e-government projects

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Cyprus is stepping up efforts in digitalising the public sector by allocating some EUR 250 mln for e-government projects in next year’s budget.

The 2020 budget prepared by the Finance Ministry foresees that €246.9 mln will be spent on 20 e-government projects with one quarter (€47.9 mln) of the pool going to the implementation of a comprehensive health information system for the newly introduced General Health System 

The second costliest project is the ERP system of the Treasury at €33.96 mln. This is complemented by the consolidated information system of the Department of Taxation at a cost of €30 mln.

The second costliest project is the Enterprise Resource Planning System (ERP) system of the Treasury at €33.96 mln. A third project costing €30 mln is a consolidated information system for the Department of Taxation.

The list of e-government projects includes extension of the Government DATA Warehouse at €5.60 mln, Public Administration and Personnel Call Center €1.78 mln, e-Justice projects €10.93 mln, integrated voice and data network of the Department of Electromechanical Services €9.79 mln, upgrading the Land Information System for the Department of Land and Surveys €19.43 mln.

There is also money for an integrated solution for the creation of a single computerization of Cyprus municipalities and the provision of e-government services €2.41 mln, some € 15.91 mln will be allocated for the Customs Department.