Multi-million contract signed to build 4,450 new bus stops

1 min read

A €61 million contract for the construction of 4,450 new and sheltered bus stops and the upgrade of over 1,000 existing ones was signed at the Ministry of Transport.

The contract plans for constructing and installing 2,350 pillars throughout Cyprus, of which 350 will have integrated technology, while the remaining 2,000 will have lighting and information in printed form.

Some 1,350 small and 650 large sheltered stops are planned in urban areas, and an additional 100 large sheltered and weather-protected stops are planned for mountainous areas.

Existing bus stops will be upgraded and placed on routes with less passenger traffic.

Furthermore, the contract also provides for the installation of 200 bicycle racks and 20 bicycle stations at central stops to encourage bicycle use and combined mobility.

Minister of Transport Alexis Vafeades said that signing this contract completes an action aimed at upgrading the passenger experience in Cyprus.

“We hope to have soon new infrastructure that will help and encourage the use of public transport”.

The fifteen-year-long contract is worth €61,658,762 plus VAT, awarded to the consortium AS AIRCONTROL LTD & AMCO ABEE.

It includes a five-year implementation plan of €36,658,762, ten-year maintenance estimated at €5,000,000, and the right to place new orders for up to €10,000,000.

Executive engineer at the Department of Public Works, Aristotelis Savva, said that the design of the new stops considers the local conditions and the available space on the road network.

The new stops have uniform accessibility for people with mobility, visual and hearing impairments, safety, and weather protection.

They also have lighting and electronic signs that use renewable energy sources.