
Cyprus aims for smoke-free generation

1 min read

The Cyprus National Addictions Authority (CNAA) participates in an initiative for a smoke-free environment and the first European smoke-free generation by 2030.

CNAA President Dr Christos Mina said according to statistics, the percentage of students aged 15-16 who smoke in Cyprus was 14%.

It is lower than the European average, continuing the downward trend, yet 4.5% of students use e-cigarettes daily.

According to the data, Cyprus holds a high position in Europe in electronic cigarettes and hookahs.

Dr Mina said that smoking is the number one global public health problem causing approximately 700,000 deaths annually in Europe.

CNAA participates as a member of the European Network for Tobacco Prevention, which includes 38 European countries with 77 members.

He explained that the initiative of the European network, which started on January 26 and will last one year, is to collect 1,000,000 electronic signatures.

The initiative is a call by European citizens to demand that the European Commission propose and implement legislation on smoking addiction for a smoke-free environment.

In Cyprus, about 4 in 10 adults have smoked in the last month, and one in 10 smokes more than 20 cigarettes a day.

Some 14% of 15-16-year-old students smoke, which is lower than the European average and on a downward trend since 2003.

Around one in five students had used hookah in the past month.

However, Dr Mina noted that “there is a huge misconception that hookah is not harmful.”

“By signing this initiative, we can all actively contribute to a healthy population, a healthy environment and a healthy Europe”.