
President pulls out energy card in Germany

1 min read

The Eastern Mediterranean, including Cyprus, can be an alternative energy source for Europe’s growing needs, President Nicos Anastasiades said in Berlin.

Europe’s energy crisis was discussed when Anastasiades met the President of Germany, Frank Walter Steinmeier.

The Cyprus issue, Ukraine and irregular migration were also top of the agenda.

Anastasiades expressed his readiness for the resumption of stalled Cyprus talks and stressed the need for Turkey to refrain from illegal actions.

He Tweeted: “I’ll reiterate it is imperative for the international community, the EU in particular, to step up efforts to prevent escalation in the East Med and create an environment conducive to the resumption of talks for the reunification of Cyprus.

“German support would be very welcome.”

They held extended talks with the participation of the delegations of the two countries.

President Anastasiades referred extensively to the socio-economic implications stemming from the fact that asylum seekers in Cyprus are equivalent to 6% of the population of the Republic.

On Thursday, the President will visit the Jewish Museum and give an interview to Die Welt newspaper.

Anastasiades will also have a private meeting with the former Chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel, at her office.