
Storm Eva reaches Cyprus

1 min read

Cyprus is hit by a low-pressure weather system, dubbed Eva, as the Met Office issues a Yellow Warning for heavy thunderstorms on Monday.

The extreme weather warning is in place until 8 pm.

Heavy rain is expected to fall at 35 to 50 mm per hour, while hail is possible, according to the Met Office.

A low atmospheric pressure system moving southeast from Greece is currently affecting the region.

High clouds are expected to produce local thunderstorms across the island.

Thunderstorms have been reported in Paphos and Limassol, with the rest of the island getting a taste of the wintery scenery later.

Hailstorms are expected to be more intense over a shorter period.

Winds will initially be light to moderate, 3 to 4 Beaufort, and occasionally strong, 4 to 5 Beaufort offshore.

Maximum temperatures inland will be around 24 degrees Celsius, 22°C on the coast and 13°C in the higher mountains.

Night temperatures will drop to 14°C inland, 15°C on the coasts, and 7°C in the highest mountain areas.

The weather on Tuesday will improve but remain partly cloudy, with isolated showers or thunderstorms in the east and high ground.

Temperatures are not expected to change significantly until Thursday, remaining close to the season’s average of 23°C.

Cyprus was hit by an extreme weather system earlier last month, with the Met Office announcing that October rainfall had reached over 220% above the average for the month.