Cyprus opens historic sites for weddings

1 min read

Cyprus medieval castles and other ancient monuments could now set the stage for the dream wedding of young couples after the cabinet rubber-stamped a proposal tabled to allow ceremonies at historic sites and museums.

The medieval castles, Paphos and Limassol, Larnaca Fort, the Cyprus Railway Museum in the village of Evrychou, the Museum of Traditional Embroidery and Silversmithing in Lefkara could all be commissioned by couples planning a civil wedding.

Couples wanting to get married at an archaeological site must apply with the Department of Antiquities, through the local municipal authority, at least one month before the event.

The authority has the right to impose a commission fee for the event.

However, celebrations at these venues are restricted as the traditional throwing of confetti, flowers, and rice will be forbidden and setting off fireworks.

While deciding to permit weddings at archaeological sites, the cabinet also tweaked regulations for archaeological sites and museums to allow the Transport Minister to grant free entrance if deemed in the public interest.

According to the new regulations, the Director of the Department of Antiquities may issue a daily entry fee of €8.50 or a three-day entry ticket for a fee of €17, or a weekly entry ticket, valid for seven days, for a fee of €25.

Holders of the tickets will have the opportunity to visit all archaeological sites under the jurisdiction of the Department of Antiquities.

The cabinet also decided that entrance to all archaeological sites and museums will be free on the International Day of Monuments and Sites on April 18 each year and the International Museum Day on May 18.